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We drove a sleek and sexy 1947 Packard Club Sedan for 230 wet and rainy miles on a Rally-Tour through gorgeous mountains, desert and blossoming meadows.  Tour ...


This is the annual event for the SoCal chapter of Packard's International to display elegance and style.  Hosted at the Island Hotel in ever-hip Fashion Island ...


This is a series of three videos that cover the Ironstone Concours. The Ironstone Concours celebrated its 14th year. It is hosted at the Ironstone Winery in ...


A fabulous day in Fallbrook California celebrating all things British.  This was the second annual event at a wonderful private venue.  All proceeds went ...


A quick and fun behind the scenes look at the Concours.  Special emphasis on Preservation Class cars, or "survivor" cars! ...


We spent a fabulous day at the Concourso Italiano as part of the Pebble Beach weekend experience. And fabulous it was.


The 1935 Packard Phaeton just came back from about 1,100 miles through the Pacific Northwest and we just finished preparing the 1936 Packard Rumbleseat Coupe ...

Classic Promenade
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