Pebble Beach Concours Tour d’Elegance in a Rolls-Royce

I had forgotten to post a blog about the incredible tour Heather and I had at Pebble Beach this last year (2013). Our friend, John Ellison, had his delightful Phantom V Rolls-Royce State Landaulet entered into the Pebble Beach concours and we were invited to tour in the car on the Thursday before the concours.

The Tour d’Elegance is the most fun part of the entire Pebble Beach weekend. It is roughly 60 miles long through some of the most wonder sites in the world: 17 Mile Drive, the Laguna Seca Raceway, downtown Carmel and Big Sur!!

I’ve been fortunate to be in the Tour about six or seven times over the last 15 years. This was particularly fun because the Phantom V was one of only a handful made over eight years. To buy one new you had to be the ruler of a country. The only other PV State Landaulet ever at Pebble was exhibited by me. So this was especially meaningful for me!

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