Private Tours of Only Yesterday and John Ellison’s Collection!

We had the opportunity a couple days after Christmas to tour two of San Diego’s best collections. Check Speilman’s wonderful collection at Only Yesterday was a delight to see (photos not allowed). He has three sections to his collection, the 50’s and 60’s convertibles in a very cool shop setting, then an elegant 1930’s classic car showroom with gorgeous CCCA classics (think Duesy, Packard, Lincolns, etc.) and then a very important military history museum. We loved the tour and it is always a pleasure to see Chuck.

Next we drove 15 minutes to John Ellison’s collection. Here we saw about 40 gorgeous Rolls-Royce’s, Bentley’s and Cadillac’s along with several very cool 50’s and 60’s convertibles. Both Chuck and John are dear friends and are as gracious as you will find. If you ever have an opportunity to see their collections don’t hesitate!

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