XKE Series 1 Fixed Head Coupe

The Series 1 cars essentially fall into two categories: Those made between 1961 and 1964, which had 3.8-litre engines and (on all but the very last cars) partial synchromesh transmissions; and those made between 1965 and 1967, which increased engine size and torque by around 10% to 4.2 litres, and also provided new reclining seats, an alternator in place of the dynamo, an electrical system switched to negative earth, a more reliable brake servo,[13] and other modern amenities. Styling was unchanged.

E-Type Jag 4.2-litre engine
As a result, the 4.2-litre Type 1 generally became the most valuable form of the car. However, as of the end of 2014, the most expensive regular production Jaguar E-Types sold at auction included a 4.2-litre Series 1 roadster, with matching numbers, original paint and interior, under 80,000 original miles, and a history of being in the original buyer’s family for 45 years, for $467,000 in 2013 and a 3.8-litre 1961 “flat floor”[clarification needed] Series 1, for $528,000 in 2014. Special run racing lightweights go for far more still. For example, a 1963 E-type Lightweight Competition advertised as very original and with much patina (wearing the “factory installed interior and bodywork showing the patina of decades of use,” although it was re-painted and has a non-matching numbers – albeit factory provided – engine), one of just twelve that were built, sold for $7,370,000 at the 2017 Scottsdale, Arizona auctions.


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